Well, obviously, I dream a lot and have always been a dreamer. No harm, except that I definitely realize that you have to work very, very hard to achieve your dreams, otherwise, what this graphic above says, will become 100% true!!
No hidden messages here, it is what it is, so go ahead and open your eyes and enjoy another lovely morning of your life. They say, that 14th of February is Valentines Day, but to me, it is yet another day in the series of days in my life, nothing too special about it!!
Yes, definitely, we should not limit our challenges, but definitely we should challenge our limits! A long time back, we had faced a lot of challenges, but with the grace of God (read, Lord Shankar Mahadev), we have grown by leaps and bounds!!
They say "WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING!!" - so be like that only, and as our old beloved friend used to say "TENSION LENE KA NAHI, TENSION DENE KA!!"
CA Vikram Shankar Mathur
February 14th, 2025, 14:00 Hours IST
February 14th, 2025, 14:00 Hours IST
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